What Choices Do You Need To Make?
Planning a major remodeling project can be overwhelming. From start to finish there are so many questions to answer and choices to make.
- Which contractor should we choose?
- What lighting and plumbing fixtures will we use?
- What color will we paint the living room?
- What type of heating system is best for us?
- What type of countertop material is best?
And so on and so on and so on ..........
What if there was a decision making tool available that could help you answer those questions and make informed decisions? Well there is!
Choose It! is the brainchild of Dr. Ken Envoy of Site Build It. He has created a wonderful tool that can help clarify your thinking.
And best of all it's FREE
How It Works
The process is based upon a classic decision making model that we all use intuitively for easy questions or problems (ex., "Do I?" or "Don't I?" with columns of "pros" and "cons").
But that simple process breaks down badly for more complicated decisions.
Choose It! builds a simple-yet-sophisticated decision matrix while you complete a step-by-step decision tree.
This decision making process organizes your thinking. Result? You make correct choices for the most complex, nuanced questions based on what is important to you.
Lets Take a Test Drive
OK, so where do we start? Let's use kitchen countertops as our test subject
.....but really it could be any subject ; even one not related to remodeling.
Before heading out to the neighborhood design or home center, lets put some thought into this. With so many available materials do we really want to leave this important choice to an impulsive decision or one made out of frustration?
Of course not. Who would?
That's why the remodeling process is so involved. There are literally hundreds of decsions to be rendered before a project is completed. Some are easy no brainers and others require in depth analysis.
There are all kinds of choices available. But what is important to you?
Is it the cost? Is this the true decision maker or is it the look or style? Maybe the deciding factor is its durability.
For most of us it's not just the price or the design or the duability. It's a combination of the three that get's you the best product for your budget.
So How Can Choose It! Help?
Well it will show you how to determine for yourself what the best product for your situation should be.
OK. So where do we start? Well lets look at what choices our test subject kitchen countertops has. Granite, Plastic Laminate, Stainless Steel, Concrete or Tile?
Hmmmmm.......decisions, decisions!
Let's get started.
If you haven't clicked on the link above, click here now to start the quick tour. We'll walk through the steps together using our kitchen countertop material as our example.
You can either follow along with the screen shots below, or put in your own questions and parameters. Go ahead try it! It's a Blast!
Step 1
The first thing you'll see is an area to enter your question. You can put anything you want here as long as it does not have a yes or no answer. We'll put "What is the best kitchen countertop material for us?"

Click the right arrow to continue.
Step 2
This step will allow you to enter your possible answers. If you have more than five you can just click on the Add A Possible Answer Button to add more choices.
- Granite
- Plastic Laminate
- Stainless Steel
- Concrete
- Tile
So let's take the five types of counter top materials listed above. We'll enter these as our final choices...

Click the right arrow to continue.
Step 3
Next we need to enter what is important to you when it comes to kitchen countertops.
You can enter things like price, durability, material availability, design styles, available colors or any other factor that is important to you.
Now you can enter on a scale of 1-100 how important these factors are in playing into your final decision.

Click the right arrow to continue.
Step 4
And finally, in Step 4, here is where your research comes in. Here you will enter how well each answer fulfills the requirements. You must know a little about the product or task in order to fill in this section.

Click the right arrow to continue.
Step 5
The final step is to review your findings. This graph provides you with the best selection of counter top material for you. This is based upon what you entered as being important factors in your decision.

This intuitive tool has so many uses. I hope you enjoyed this exercise and will use it often.
And remember, you can use this tool for anything at all! As often as you would like. It's Free!