Choosing Professional Help

Are you unsure of what type of professional help you require for your remodeling project? You are not alone. Most people are not even aware of all the different options available.
When thinking of professionals, most people just think of engineers, architects and designers; but there are several other options as well.
The trick is to discern which of the choices is best for your type of project and budget. In this section we will take a detailed look at all the options available.
For some projects, the decision will be easy. There might be structural changes requiring engineered drawings, an addition or new construction may require architects stamped drawings and so on.
Other times it is not as clear and maybe not even necessary if you can determine your own hidden talents and qualifications.
So before we look at the different options in the table below, let’s take a brief self-test.
To Thy Known Self Be True
Selecting the level of professional help may be simplified, if we can determine where your strengths lie. The following is a list of talents that are needed to forge forward without professional assistance.
- Decisiveness - can make decisions quickly and accurately
- Previous experience - prior construction project(s)
- Budget conscience - able to stick to the available budget
- Design trends - keep up with current design trends
- Color - coordination of texture and color
- Conceptualize - able to visualize the finished project
All of the above are traits that many people possess and in fact are very good at. If you are one of them, then it is very conceivable that you have what it takes to go it alone.
Remember though as discussed above, sometimes you will be required to hire a professional at least for a portion of a project.
The Professionals
In the table below, you will find available types of services. Clicking on a link will open a new window with a brief description of the services offered. This should help you determine which of these you are in need of and for what portion of the project.
Remember, that you are in control and can always hire any of the above professional help if you find that things are not working out as planned.
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